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Subtraction Strip Board

SKU: M12


The Subtraction Strip Board from Libo is a mathematical Montessori material designed to help children develop and refine their subtraction skills. It consists of a solid hardwood board with strips that are color-coded in two colors representing subtrahends and minuends. The board comes with two wooden cubes so that children can easily move the strips to create subtraction equations. The equations are displayed in a straight line on the board, making it easy for young learners to understand the concept of subtraction. With this helpful tool, kids will have fun learning and improving their math skills!



The Libo Subtraction Strip Board is an essential kit for helping children learn math. Developed by Montessori educators, this teaching aid utilizes a simple subtracting board to help children gain the early foundations of math in a fun and interactive way. The board itself is made from high-quality materials that provide a fine finish, ensuring that it is as durable as it is visually appealing. The colors and textures also help ensure it’s safe for younger children who may be playing with the board.

Each Libo Subtraction Strip Board comes with multiple colors of pegs, which allow kids to perform basic subtraction operations up to 20 different combinations. This makes tackling complex arithmetic problems easier sincekids can track their progress using these pegs and colors – making learning mathematics both enjoyable and rewarding at the same time.


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